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TÜV AUSTRIA Romania (TUVROMANIA) has been operating since 2007 as a fully owned subsidiary of TÜV AUSTRIA – worldwide leader in sustainable improvement of safety and quality, with a presence in over 40 countries from Europe, the Middle East and Asia. We provide independent third-party services in the form of technical audits, inspections, certifications and testing, combined with lifelong learning services across four business sectors: Industry and Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation, Life, Training and Certification and Service Providers and Public Sector, that enable global market coverage. TÜV AUSTRIA Romania operates an ISO 17025 accredited destructive, non-destructive Tests and chemical laboratory. 

IT Security represent a core competency of TÜV AUSTRIA Romania through the assessment, development and implementation of cyber security strategies, threat countermeasures as well as reconstruction works and forensic analyses, supported by training and certification activities. 

Role in the project

The main role of TÜV AUSTRIA Romania (TUVROMANIA) in the ELECTRON project is as leader of Work Package 7 – Energy Ecosystem Policies and Recommendations. Within this work package we coordinate Task 7.1. – Liaison and Interaction with the Cybersecurity Act and the EU Directives and Task 7.2. – EU Cybersecurity Information Exchange including outward facing activities toward relevant EU and global agencies, standardization bodies and other relevant stakeholders.

An important role is foreseen in Work Package 6 – AR/VR-aided Cybersecurity Training and Certification in EPES while also contributing to relevant activities of Work Package 2 – Architecture Demonstration Scenarios and Security and Privacy Requirement, and Work Package 3 – Collaborative Risk and Certification Framework for Energy Systems, tied to our expertise profile.

Through the ELECTRON project TÜV AUSTRIA Romania aims at jointly developing new cybersecurity guidelines and techniques for the industry and energy sectors. Promotion of new cybersecurity methodologies and market adoption of project outcomes to enhance the robustness of the EPES products and systems will be pursued.