PIMEE is the leading research institute in the field of modelling and simulation in industry, particularly in energy sector. Its primary mission is to provide IT technology in energetics by ensuring scientific and technical support. PIMEE, being presently subordinated to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, is a legal entity having the status of a state-owned non-profit research institute. PIMEE has about 130 employees, with 65 engineers and researchers.
One of the most important direction in researches is devoted to the cybersecurity area that is very important for all human activities. The Institute carries out fundamental and applied research in the areas of security policy, the strategy of cyber security, the internal security strategy in energy sector, environmental security and cyber security of critical infrastructure facilities. PIMEE staff regularly conduct expertise of the computer systems protection from cyber threats both industrial companies and government agencies.
Role in the project
PIMEE will lead all the activities related with Task 9.4 Evaluation Analysis and Cost-benefit Analysis. PIMEE participates in WP1 Project Management and Coordination, WP2 ELECTRON Architecture, Demonstration Scenarios and Security & Privacy Requirements WP8 ELECTRON Integration & Testing, WP9 Large-scale Demonstration & PilotImplementation and WP10 Dissemination, Exploitation & Clustering Activities.