Azerbaycan Dovlet Neft ve Senaye Universiteti (ADNSU) is the most significant technical university in the Republic of Azerbaijan, providing people with a high-quality education in the technical field and different branches of engineering starting from 1920. The preparation of specialists at ADNSU is carried out at all three higher education levels: Bachelor’s, Masters, and Doctorate degrees. There are currently seven faculties and 28 departments functioning within the university. The university’s academic staff is actively involved in educational, research, and industrial projects at national and international levels, especially in engineering and energetics. ADNSU has gained knowledge of HPC systems and established the Advanced Research Centre of computing and processing power systems. The main goal of this research center is to acquire knowledge of the design and management of high-performance computing systems to meet the scientific and industrial needs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as countries in the region and beyond the region
Role in the project
ADNSU intends to play an important role in disseminating, exploiting, and capitalising the ELECTRON results to Azerbaijan energy clusters and communities, including Eastern Europe and the Caucasian Region. ADNSU will contribute to ELECTRON mostly as a demonstrator in the Use Case1: Addressing and Mitigating Cyberattacks and Data Leaking in Ukraine & Azerbaijan, by providing extensive simulation scenarios of UC1 by using, if possible, real data stemming from the Azerbaijanian grid and operators like SOCAR, AzerGold QSC and others. In addition, ADNSU will conduct additional simulation scenarios in Azerbaijan using real data coming from both Ukrainian and Azerbaijanian grid and operators, in case the war and the conflicts in Ukraine remain and the personnel together with the involved partners do not feel safe and secure working in the project in Ukraine. ADNSU will set up demonstration scenarios, which will be simulated or/and emulated in the ADNSU premises through the ADNSU HPC infrastructure